MyStrategyExperience Simulation


SKU: 9781784481094 Category:

Used by a number of universities across the UK, MyStrategyExperience expertly combines the theory and practice of strategic decision-making in the realistic, controlled environment of a dynamic organisation and industry.

MyStrategyExperience puts students on the board of directors in a global advertising agency and allows them to make a strategic analysis of the business, put together a business plan and then make decisions on the future strategy of the company.

Students compete against each other in teams within class groups and the results so far have been outstanding.

t’s no coincidence that the product fits so well in to different learning environments and courses – it was carefully developed by simulation experts at Learning Dynamics, with input from authors of the bestselling book Exploring Strategy. Our latest version is designed to further enhance your learning environment with updated agenda items, an improved look and a superior navigation system.

Discover some of the exciting features MyStrategyExperience has to offer.

Realistic environment

Bringing together theory and practice

MyStrategyExperience is an engaging and rigorous simulation designed to bring together the theory and practice of strategy-making in the realistic environment of a dynamic organisation and industry. The simulation puts you on the board of directors in a global advertising agency and allows you to make a strategic analysis of the business, put together a business plan and then make a number of challenging decisions on the future strategy of the company.

You will set and implement strategy and see the impact of your decisions on financial and non-financial measures of performance within the simulated company. You will need to balance strategic opportunities with inherent risk, thus gaining knowledge and insights relevant to your strategic studies.

Superior content and navigation system

Enhancing your learning environment

MyStrategyExperience, previously The Strategy Experience, has been carefully developed by simulation experts Learning Dynamics with input from authors of the bestselling book Exploring Strategy.

Our latest version is designed to further enhance your learning environment with updated agenda items, an improved look and a superior navigation system.

Phases of strategy

Enabling students to work through the strategy process

The simulation enables you to work through the 3 key phases of the strategy process:

  1. Understanding the Strategic Position (this is concerned with the impact on strategy of the external environment, the organisation’s strategic capability in terms of resources and competences, the organisation’s goals and culture)
  2. Evaluating Strategic Choices (looking at the methods to help move strategy forward)
  3. Strategy in Action (how strategies are formed, implemented and evaluated).

Your lecturer can personally assign the phases, enabling you to play through the parts of the simulation in the correct order and speed in relation to your module.

Board meetings

Making decisions to deliver strategic objectives

In your simulation group, you will participate in board meetings after phase 3 – this is where the real game begins.

Presented with 6 agenda items, you must select 4 to discuss within the board meeting. For each of the agenda items you have chosen, you are then presented with 4 options and will need to discuss and select the option that best suits your strategic plan. Once choices have been submitted, you will see your results, both financial and non-financial indicators, on how well your company has performed.

Kitap Tipi


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