Haeussler, Introductory Mathematical Analysis, 14GE Ebook + MyLab


SKU: 9781292413198 Category:

This book is ideal for one- or two-semester or two- or three-quarter courses covering topics in college algebra, finite mathematics, and calculus for students in business, economics, and the life and social sciences.

Haeussler, Paul, and Wood establish a strong algebraic foundation that sets this text apart from other applied mathematics texts, paving the way for students to solve real-world problems that use calculus. Emphasis on developing algebraic skills is extended to the exercises–including both drill problems and applications. The authors work through examples and explanations with a blend of rigor and accessibility. In addition, they have refined the flow, transitions, organisation, and portioning of the content over many editions to optimise manageability for teachers and learning for students. The table of contents covers a wide range of topics efficiently, enabling instructors to tailor their courses to meet student needs.

CHAPTER 0 Review of Algebra
CHAPTER 1 Applications and More Algebra
CHAPTER 2 Functions and Graphs
CHAPTER 3 Lines, Parabolas, and Systems
CHAPTER 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
CHAPTER 5 Mathematics of Finance
CHAPTER 6 Matrix Algebra
CHAPTER 7 Linear Programming
CHAPTER 8 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
CHAPTER 9 Additional Topics in Probability
CHAPTER 10 Limits and Continuity
CHAPTER 11 Differentiation
CHAPTER 12 Additional Differentiation Topics
CHAPTER 13 Curve Sketching
CHAPTER 14 Integration
CHAPTER 15 Applications of Integration
CHAPTER 16 Continuous Random Variables
CHAPTER 17 Multivariable Calculus
APPENDIX A Compound Interest Tables
APPENDIX B Table of Selected Integrals
APPENDIX C Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve

Kitap Tipi


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