(English) Gomez-Mejia – Managing Human Resources, Global Edition – EBOOK+MYLAB CODE


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Prepare future managers with an understanding of HR skills.

Managing Human Resources gives future managers a solid business understanding of human resource management skills. The approach used in this text makes human resources relevant to anyone who has to deal with HR issues in the workplace, even those who do not hold the title of manager. The Eighth Edition is updated to include new introductory vignettes, new case studies, and a focus on emerging trends in HR.

Pearson MyLab Management is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.


This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

  • Customer-Driven HR demonstrates how managers and employees can benefit by approaching employees and internal customers.
  • Ethics focuses on HR-specific issues that challenge managers and employees.
  • Emerging Trends presents new developments in HRM practices that are likely to require increased attention in the near future.
  • Global focuses on HR practices in different countries and offers lessons that can be applied to diverse work contexts within the United States and elsewhere.
  • Bring the concepts to life: Discussion Cases are provided at the end of each chapter to support each of the major themes of the book. These cases are organized as follows:
    • HR in Small Businesses cases deal with concrete situations facing a small business.
    • Customer-Driven HR cases illustrate how HRM can add value to an organization by taking a customer-oriented perspective.
    • Ethics cases illustrate how managing people can involve tough, real-life choices regarding taking the “right” actions.
    • Emerging Trends cases illustrate an HR-related issue that’s likely to require increased attention in the future.
    • Global cases draw students’ attention outside the boundaries of the U.S. and highlight international HR issues.
  • NEW! 700 new references are cited within the text.
  • NEW! Most introductory vignettes are either new, substantially revised, or updated.
  • NEW!  Approximately 75 percent of the end-of-chapter cases are new or have been extensively revised and updated.
  • NEW! More than 80 percent of the boxed features within the text have been replaced with new ones or have been substantially revised or updated.
  • NEW! Coverage of the special human resource issues concerning social responsibility and ethics as well as technology and social media. This is included in new topical sections of most chapters as well as in new Manager’s Notebook features, discussion questions, and cases.
  • UPDATED! Coverage of how firms respond to dynamic changes in their strategy as a result of environmental jolts, and the important role that human resource management plays in this process.
  • UPDATED! Coverage of the legal environment of HR, such as the changing legal requirements companies must meet to provide health insurance to employees and emerging regulations that attempt to balance employee and employer rights to engage in religious practices in the workplace.
  • NEW! Manager’s Notebooks provide exposure to a variety of issues that managers confront daily, from providing feedback during an appraisal session to preparing employees for a layoff. Approximately half of the Manager’s Notebooks are new for this eighth edition, and many of the remaining features have been updated with the most current information. Manager’s Notebooks are divided into five categories:
    • Technology/Social Media notebooks discuss specific opportunities and challenges posed by technology and the increase in the use of social media in human resource management.
    • Customer-Driven HR notebooks demonstrate how managers and employees can benefit by approaching employees as internal customers.
    • Ethics/Social Responsibility notebooks focus on the role of HR practices in promoting social responsibility and ethical issues that challenge managers and employees.
    • Emerging Trends notebooks present new developments in HRM practice that are likely to require increased attention in the near future.
    • Global notebooks focus on HR practices in different countries and offer lessons that can be applied to diverse work contexts within the United States and elsewhere.
  • NEW! You Manage It! Cases: In an effort to make the conceptual material discussed in each chapter come to life, we provide “You Manage It!” case studies at the end of each chapter to support each of the book’s major themes. For each case, we have included critical thinking questions, team exercises, and experiential exercises. Many cases also include individual exercises for students who wish to or who can only work individually as a member of a class (for instance, those taking online courses). These cases are organized as follows:
    • Technology/Social Media cases deal with concrete situations where technology/social media affect HR practices related to the subject matter discussed in that particular chapter..
    • Customer-Driven HR cases illustrate how HRM can add value to an organization by taking a customer-oriented perspective. Ethics/Social Responsibility cases illustrate how managing people can involve tough, real-life choices regarding the “right” actions that should be taken and how organizations can act in a more socially responsible manner through appropriate HR practices.
    • Emerging Trends cases illustrate HR-related issues that are likely to require increased attention in the future.
    • Global cases draw students’ attention outside the boundaries of the United States and illustrate that HR issues may be international in scope.

Pearson MyLab Management® is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Management is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Management should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.


Personalize learning with Pearson MyLab Management



The Chapter Warm-up helps you hold your students accountable for learning key concepts in each chapter before coming to class. The assignment consists of basic questions related to topics in the text, and gives students the chance to access their eText to read about the topics in question. Grading and item analysis in the assignment allow you to see what students know and don’t know.


Dynamic Study Modules: Not every student learns the same way and at the same rate. Now, thanks to advances in adaptive learning technology, you no longer have to teach as if they do.


Dynamic Study Modules assess student performance and activity in real time and, using data and analytics, personalize content to reinforce concepts that target each student’s strengths and weaknesses. You can assign Dynamic Study Modules as homework and receive results right in your gradebook. And, because your students are always on the go, Dynamic Study Modules can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Pearson eText: Engagement in lecture is essential to student success, and continuing that engagement outside of class is just as critical. Pearson MyLab Management with Pearson eText keeps students engaged in learning on their own time, while helping them achieve greater conceptual understanding of course material. Combining resources that illuminate content with accessible self-assessment, Pearson MyLab Management with eText provides students with a complete digital learning experience—all in one place.  



Learning Catalytics™ is an interactive, student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking. Now included with MyLab with eText, Learning Catalytics enables you to generate classroom discussion, guide your lecture, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Instructors, you can:

  • Pose a variety of open-ended questions that help your students develop critical thinking skills
  • Monitor responses to find out where students are struggling
  • Use real-time data to adjust your instructional strategy and try other ways of engaging your students during class
  • Manage student interactions by automatically grouping students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning

Reporting Dashboard: View, analyze, and report learning outcomes clearly and easily, and get the information you need to keep your students on track throughout the course with the new Reporting Dashboard. Available via the MyLab Gradebook and fully mobile-ready, the Reporting Dashboard presents student performance data at the class, section, and program levels in an accessible, visual manner.




Branching, Decision-Making Simulations: Decision-making simulations put your students in the role of manager as they make a series of decisions based on a realistic business challenge. The simulations change and branch based on their decisions, creating various scenario paths. At the end of each simulation, students receive a grade and a detailed report of the choices they made with the associated consequences included.


Video Exercises: These engaging videos explore a variety of business topics related to the theory students are learning in class. Quizzes assess students’ comprehension of the concepts covered in each video.


Writing Space: Better writers make great learners—who perform better in their courses. Designed to help you develop and assess concept mastery and critical thinking, the Writing Space offers a single place to create, track, and grade writing assignments, provide resources, and exchange meaningful, personalized feedback with students, quickly and easily. And because of integration with Turnitin®, Writing Space can check students’ work for improper citation or plagiarism.


Quizzes and Tests: Pre-built quizzes and tests allow you to quiz students without having to grade the assignments yourself.

New to this Edition


  • 700 new references are cited within the text.
  • Most introductory vignettes are either new, substantially revised, or updated.
  • Approximately 75 percent of the end-of-chapter cases are new or have been extensively revised and updated.
  • More than 80 percent of the boxed features within the text have been replaced with new ones or have been substantially revised or updated.
  • Coverage of the special human resource issues concerning social responsibility and ethics as well as technology and social media. This is included in new topical sections of most chapters as well as in new Manager’s Notebook features, discussion questions, and cases.
  • Coverage of how firms respond to dynamic changes in their strategy as a result of environmental jolts, and the important role that human resource management plays in this process.
  • Coverage of the legal environment of HR, such as the changing legal requirements companies must meet to provide health insurance to employees and emerging regulations that attempt to balance employee and employer rights to engage in religious practices in the workplace.

Manager’s Notebooks provide exposure to a variety of issues that managers confront daily, from providing feedback during an appraisal session to preparing employees for a layoff. Approximately half of the Manager’s Notebooks are new for this eighth edition, and many of the remaining features have been updated with the most current information. Manager’s Notebooks are divided into five categories:

  • Technology/Social Media notebooks discuss specific opportunities and challenges posed by technology and the increase in the use of social media in human resource management.
  • Customer-Driven HR notebooks demonstrate how managers and employees can benefit by approaching employees as internal customers.
  • Ethics/Social Responsibility notebooks focus on the role of HR practices in promoting social responsibility and ethical issues that challenge managers and employees.
  • Emerging Trends notebooks present new developments in HRM practice that are likely to require increased attention in the near future.
  • Global notebooks focus on HR practices in different countries and offer lessons that can be applied to diverse work contexts within the United States and elsewhere.

You Manage It! Cases: In an effort to make the conceptual material discussed in each chapter come to life, we provide “You Manage It!” case studies at the end of each chapter to support each of the book’s major themes. For each case, we have included critical thinking questions, team exercises, and experiential exercises. Many cases also include individual exercises for students who wish to or who can only work individually as a member of a class (for instance, those taking online courses). These cases are organized as follows:

  • Technology/Social Media cases deal with concrete situations where technology/social media affect HR practices related to the subject matter discussed in that particular chapter.
  • Customer-Driven HR cases illustrate how HRM can add value to an organization by taking a customer-oriented perspective. Ethics/Social Responsibility cases illustrate how managing people can involve tough, real-life choices regarding the “right” actions that should be taken and how organizations can act in a more socially responsible manner through appropriate HR practices.
  • Emerging Trends cases illustrate HR-related issues that are likely to require increased attention in the future.

Global cases draw students’ attention outside the boundaries of the United States and illustrate that HR issues may be international in scope.


Table of Contents

PART I: Introduction

1. Meeting Present and Emerging Strategic Human Resource Challenges


PART II: The Contexts of Human Resource Management

2. Managing Work Flows and Conducting Job Analysis

3. Understanding Equal Opportunity and the Legal Environment

4. Managing Diversity


PART III: Staffing

5. Recruiting and Selecting Employees

6. Managing Employee Separations, Downsizing, and Outplacement


PART IV: Employee Development

7. Appraising and Managing Performance

8. Training the Workforce

9. Developing Careers


PART V: Compensation

10. Managing Compensation

11. Rewarding Performance

12. Designing and Administering Benefits


PART VI: Governance

13. Developing Employee Relations

14. Respecting Employee Rights and Managing Discipline

15. Working with Organized Labor

16. Managing Workplace Safety and Health

17. International HRM Challenge


Kitap Tipi


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